
Physiotherapy Rotterdam

Pelvic physiotherapy

Pelvic Physiotherapy

Second location pelvic physiotherapy!

Our pelvic physiotherapists Sabien and Evelien also work in Kralingen. If you have pelvic complaints we can also help you in Healthcentre Levinas on Wednesdays and Fridays.  For an appointment you may call 010- 4114224, please mention that you wish an appointment in LEVINAS.

What is pelvic physiotherapy?

Pelvic physiotherapy is a type of physiotherapy specialized in preventing and treating functional disorders within the abdominal area, pelvis and lower back of women, men as well as children.

What may be expected?

Pelvic physiotherapists can teach you how to use the muscles around the pelvis, so that the pelvis and the surrounding muscles will function properly. You will get advice on posture and movement during daily life activities. Also, a pelvic physiotherapist can help you (re)gain control of filling and emptying the bladder and the intestines. In doing so, the pelvic physiotherapist may use specialized equipment, to help the recognition of muscle groups and muscle functions. The pelvic physiotherapist can also help you manage a reduced functioning and improve the fitness of the pelvis. Furthermore the pelvic physiotherapist can give advice about pregnancy and childbirth.

By whom?

The pelvic physiotherapists of Physiotherapy Rotterdam Centrum have gained a lot of experience in the field of pelvic pain, the pelvic floor and guidance during pregnancy. They completed the 3 year study at the Erasmus Medisch Centrum in Rotterdam. The pelvic physiotherapists are registered at the Quality Register (Kwaliteitsregister) of the professional association. See www.nvfb.nl.

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is pain in the lower back, around the pelvis and in the legs during pregnancy and/or after the delivery. During pregnancy the pelvic ligaments soften and the pelvis becomes less stable. This softening is physiological, it occurs with every pregnancy. However, due to strain, complaints may arise. Read more >

pelvic floor complaints

When the pelvic floor muscles do not function properly or work together properly, problems or complaints may arise. We call this an overactivity, an underactivity or a reduced coordination of the pelvic floor muscles. Read more >

Pelvic physiotherapy for children

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