
Physiotherapy Rotterdam

Pelvic physiotherapy

Babyslings and carriers

The use of babyslings and carriers shows an increase in popularity in the last few years. Also within the children's physiotherapy department in our centre we get many inquiries about the use of babyslings and carriers.
In order to meet the needs of these people and to answer their questions in a professional manner 2 of our children's physiotherapists are trained “babysling consultants”.. the knowledge of  scientific substantiation and the correct use of babyslings and carriers. This way they can advise you in a responsible manner.

Ergonomic versus non-ergonomic

Presently  there are many different kinds of babyslings and carriers on the market. For proper use for the child as well as the parent it is important that these products are ergonomic. Ergonomic means that the carrier/sling has the proper support for the parent around the shoulders, back and pelvis. For the baby this means that he or she is positioned in the carrier properly with the back and legs.  The trunk and head need to be supported sufficiently as well. 
Unfortunately the term “ergonomic” is not protected and every manufacturer can use this term for his product.  That is why it is sometimes difficult as a consumer to determine whether a product meets the correct requirements. In case you wonder if your babysling or carrier is indeed ergonomic we will be able to help you with this.
. If you are about to purchase a product we can help you decide  if it will be the right choice for you and your baby. 

Reasons to use a babysling or carrier

Reasons why an ergonomic babysling or carrier should be used are:

  • For example:  the (young) baby cries a lot or is restless because of  intestinal cramps. Often the baby is at ease when he/she is with one of the parents.  By sitting in the babysling or carrier this need is fulfilled while the parent has his hands free to do other things.
  • In case of spitting up milk (reflux): by sitting in a babysling/carrier the baby is in a vertical position so the milk will come up less easy and because of this the baby will have less pain..
  • In case of  posture preference of the head  to one side, resulting in flattening of the skull: by carrying the baby in a sling/carrier there is no pressure on the skull which can contribute to reducing/preventing that the skull flattening will get worse.
  • In case of sleep problems in the bed/cradle: sometimes the  (young) baby does not want to sleep in his or her own bed the first couple of months, but only with mom or dad or while being armheld or against chest. If the baby is in a sling/carrier this will meet his/her needs and he or she will get the necessary sleep.
  • In cases when the use of a pram is difficult: hink for instance about walking in nature, places with many steps or escalators, travelling with public transit or entering stores with narrow aisles.

You may contact us for:

  • Information about ergonomic sling/carriers. What is available, which one is suitable for me and my child? What are the differences between the products?
  • Trying out the babyslings and carriers. We have different kinds of slings available in our centre (all ergonomic), ready for you to try out.. This way you can feel  which product is the most comfortable for you and your baby.. We also have an official babydoll (a 3.5. kg doll) available to practise with , for example when you have to learn how to tie a sling for the first time.
  • Learning how to tie a sling. (carrying on the belly). This may be with your own sling or one of ours. We have a woven sling as well as a stretchy one available to practise tying with. The doll will always be used when practising tying for the first time. As soon as you get the hang of it practising will continue with your own baby.
  • Adjusting a sling. After purchasing a sling it is important to adjust it properly before using it, for yourself as well as for the baby.
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