
Physiotherapy Rotterdam

Register fysiotherapeuten

Register physiotherapists

Quality guarantee

The title physiotherapist is protected by law and cannot just be used by everybody. Anyone who has completed the official study physiotherapy and is registered at the Legal BIG Register (Beroepen in de Individuele Gezondheidszorg), is allowed to treat patients as a physiotherapist. This goes for all the physiotherapists in our center.

Physiotherapy Rotterdam Centrum: Register physiotherapists 

The Professional Organization, the Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie (KNGF), implements policies actively to further increase the quality of physiotherapy. Think for instance about codes of conduct, guidelines for treatments, a legal complaints procedure and research. Anyone who meets all the requirements and works according to the rules of the  KNGF (and specialization associations) is accepted to the Quality Register Physiotherapy. Our physiotherapists have all been accepted so they may be called Register Therapists. The same goes for the manual therapists, children’s therapists and pelvic physiotherapists. 

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